My Flight to WAIS!

Finally, I get to leave McMurdo and leave the land of "useless eaters" and
start doing the work we were sent to Antarctica for.

Drillers posing before going to WAIS

Part of our drilling team.   From the left, there's Elizabeth, Patrick, Me, Lou,
and Dave not looking at the camera. 

Hercules C130 Plane

The C130 Hercules plane that took me to WAIS sitting on the ice run way at
McMurdo.   My fellow passingers let me ride on the flight deck all the way!

Ice run way shot

The view of the ice runway as the Herc' turns on to the end of it.

Mount Erebus from the plane
We're off.  A great view of Mount Erebus as the plane banks to the left.

View of C130 cockpit
My view of the cockpit as we head to WAIS.  For the most part,
the view out the windows was all white.  Mountian ranges were
not to be seen on this trip.    I did snap a picture of Byrd camp as
we flew over it, but since it was from 20,000 feet and again mostly
white, it wasn't worth including here.

Jump seats and cargo in C130
Not quite the scenic view from the cockpit, here's
the cargo deck of the C130.  There were only 6
passenagers for this flight.  Noise cancelling headphones
or ear plugs required!

Full Stop at WAIS

I recorded some video as we landed at WAIS which means this is the only
picture of the landing I have.   We landed very smoothly, and are at full stop now.

Herc getting ready to leave WAIS.
Engines running constantly, inbound and outbound cargo and passengers
are unloaded and loaded quickly.  Note the skis are being used, unlike the
ice runway at McMurdo.